Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Okay!  The team leader said Thursday was the day she usually starts to see people unravel but I vote for Friday.  Good grief I am tired. We kicked off our day with a seminar from a VIP at Game Changing Films, talking about casting sports in movies. It was pretty cool. You don't really think about the fact that if a lead character is on a team, you have to cast a whole field full of two teams of kids who can actually play the sport. I think it really made G take a second look at whether or not she wants to stick with softball. She had talked about taking a break from it but she's definitely reconsidering!

She had three showcases today. First up was photography. That one was just really fun. She wore her AMTC tshirt and denim and went out on stage to do her slate while the ginormous screens showed a couple of her shots from the photo shoot. Very cool.  And she talked about playing softball. :)

Then she did cold read, which is the one she was most nervous about. It's

**this is how much of it actually saved.  After Thursday's post got eaten, I rewrote it and posted it on Friday.  Then I wrote a HUGE post finishing this one.  It took me an hour.  I hit publish and poof!  all gone.  Went back to draft and only this much of it was here.  So I'm finishing the rest now as best as I can.  grr.**

So she was nervous about cold read.  It's one of the events that's shot in the camera room and put onscreen, and you don't get the script for it until you're waiting in line to go film.  It's much more like an actual audition and therefore nervous-making.  She did fine though.  And she looked cute too.

We had another seminar after that which was probably my favorite of the whole week.  It was by David Doan and was all about kids in the entertainment industry.  Some of the seminars ended up to be the kind where the VIP talked for five minutes and then we had to sit through everyone coming up to ask them questions.  And you know that saying that starts, "there are no stupid questions?" well it's a lie.  There are very stupid, repetitive questions that make it clear you haven't been listening all week.  Thankfully, David actually talked to us for most of the time and only fielded a few questions- and his information was really interesting and he had tons of anecdotes and was super fun to listen to WHILE we learned lots.  My favorite kind.

Later in the afternoon she did group improv.  Not too long ago they changed the format of it.  It used to be very much like Whose Line Is It Anyway?, where the actors are in chairs next to each other and everyone talks as the mood strikes and there's no order.  That's fun to watch in terms of spontaneity if someone comes up with something hilarious, but when it's not on a professional level you usually get someone who sits in the chair and doesn't take a turn.  So they changed it to where they all stand in a line so you can only see the first person, and when that person starts, they are all supposed to listen and then continue the story in that character, as if it was really one person talking the whole time, and that way everyone gets 15 of the 60 seconds to talk. 

I think her group was the best kid one by far- they actually did listen to each other and stay with the flow of the story.  Some of the other groups had a kid who listened to the original prompt rather than the people in front of them, and even though they were third in line they started talking about their ideas instead of continuing the monologue their teammates had started. 

We were pretty tired after three showcases in one day, and Tangled was on the Disney channel, so we went back and had dinner in the room and got into jammies early.  Our roommates had their team meetings at night after everything was over instead of crack of dawn like we did, so they had to leave around 9 to go check in with their team.  They got back around 10:15 and let us know that the numbers for the acting finale had been posted and they saw 53 on there.  G was so excited that we got dressed again and ran back through the hotel to the area where the boards were so she could see it.  Sure enough, she made the finale for her scene read, and also for her group improv.  There was much squealing and glee.  Really fun to end the day on such a high note.

Face of maniacal glee here.  She was so sweet about really trying not to jump up and down and freak out, because there were people sobbing in corners when they didn't see their names on this list.  I texted hubby this picture and he replied back, "I don't see her name or number anywhere!" You can see though that group improv #1 made it, which is her group, and the scene read page was up above her head so I couldn't get it in the shot.  There were a ton of people waiting to check the board so I didn't want to take a lot of time staging a picture.

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