Monday, December 31, 2012

It's Time to Shine!

We are here!!!  Travel day went very smoothly- we made it out on time, had seats on the plane next to other AMTC people, arrived in Orlando 25 minutes early, got the shuttle to the hotel with no problem and were able to get into our room right away. I really couldn't have asked for better. We had a couple hours to poke around while we waited for our roommates to arrive. The hotel is amazing. So huge and so beautiful!  One of the restaurants is on a big sailboat in the middle of an indoor lake. There are sting rays and alligators and huge koi. Not in the same waters. That would be sad for the koi I think. G and I had a great time beginning to explore. She wanted to hold my hand while we walked and said it was one of her most favorite days ever.

The roommates arrived and within minutes the girls were chattering away like old friends and holding hands on the way downstairs. We got a taxi and hit Publix to get groceries for the week. Paying for all of it was still less than the fancy New Years Eve buffet the hotel is offering tonight. I'm not up for a $90 dinner thanks. Not for just me and my kid.

I'm such a sucker for pictures of the back of walking kids.  I have no idea why they make me so happy, but this is how they were ten minutes after meeting.

And so now we are in the dark room working on trying to go to sleep while I hide the iPad under the covers and blog. It's nice to have evolved from having to hold a flashlight too. :) the girls need to get some good sleep so we can be ready to kick off the week with a bang tomorrow. We've got registration, team meetings, walk throughs and rehearsals, and a couple of seminars. Then on Wednesday morning she has her first showcase- on camera.

I'll be putting a couple pictures up on Facebook but my iPad is old and doesn't have a camera, while the phone does pics but is too small to type comfortably. Won't get the two together til I get home.

Well, it's not the new year for two more hours here, but it's good night time for us. Wishing my boys were here- then my day couldn't get more perfect. Great way to end 2012 and can't wait for an awesome start to 2013!